Tuesday 21 March 2017

I sharing my view point on blog task of the Coleridge" Biographia literaria".

 I sharing my view point on  blog task of  the Coleridge" Biographia  literaria".

1). Difference between prose and poem.
Poem is art in itself. It is a rhythmical type of literary composition that usually serves to excite the readers.  Either written down or spoken orally, poetry is characterized by imaginative and attractive expression of one’s thoughts, usually in an elated manner. It is metrical, which means that poems are metered or structured. Poetry also observes a sense of pattern that puts into consideration the words that connect each other, either in terms of sounds original word meanings. That’s why readers often encounter rhyming words in poetry. These rhymes act , not just as mere ornaments, but also help covey the overall meaning of the piece.

On the other hand, prose is quite ordinary; no wonder it is regarded by many as the most typical language form. Because of this, prose is observed many areas of writing most especially in newspapers, magazine, and even encyclopedias. It is very similar to poetry in the sense that it can either be written or spoken. But without the metered and structured  quality of its counterpart. Prose is characterized by being simple, common, and not that expression.

Overall, prose and poetry differs the following aspects:
a) poetry is more rhythmical,formal and metered in terms of structure compared to the more ordinary prose.
b) Poetry is more expressive and attractive and narrative as opposed to the usual dull quality of prose.
c) Lines are considered to  be the units of poetry. Whereas sentence fill the exact same role in the case of prose.
d) Generally, poetry often has some rhymes and relationships between its words as opposed to their absence in prose.

2. Difference between poetry and poems:
A poem is the arrangements of words that contain meaning and musical elements. It is a piece of writing that expresses the writer’s thought and feelings in order to set a mood; it can be happy or sad simple or complex. In just a few words, a poem can say a lot, it can be happy or sad , simple or complex. A poem can either be rhyming or non-rhyming. It uses symbols and  has lines and stanzas that have sentences, fragments of sentences or both. It uses metaphor and alliteration, especially in poems for children.
Poetry existed long before people became literate. Poetry is distinguished from other forms of writing by its use of repetition, verse, rhyme and aesthetics. It uses words and speech and rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. It suggests alternative meaning in its words to bring about an emotional or sensual response. Poetry is the use of words and language to evoke a writer’s feelings and thoughts, while a poem is the arrangements of these words.poetry is the process of creating a literary piece using metaphor, symbols and ambiguity, while a poem  is the end of this process.


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